Kredit Pintar Attention

1. The Information Technology-based Peer to Peer Lending Service ('Fintech Loan') is a civil agreement between Lender and Borrower, so that all risks arising from the agreement are borne entirely by each party.
2. Every Lender is fully responsible for all credit risks of late or default payments arising from Fintech Loan. No national entity or authority is responsible for any such risks or provides compensation for the losses or other consequences arising with regards to that matter in any form.
3. The Platform with the approval of the respective Users (Lenders and/or Borrowers) accesses, acquires, stores, administers and/or uses the Users’ personal data of Users ('Data Utilization') on or inside objects, electronic devices (including smartphones or phones cellular), hardware, software, electronic documents, applications or electronic systems owned by the Users or controlled by the Users, by notifying the purpose, limitations and mechanisms of the Data Utilization to the Users concerned before obtaining such consent.
4. Lenders who do not have sufficient information and experience on the Information Technology-based Money Lending Services or Fintech Loan are advised not to use this service.
5. Borrowers should carefully consider the loan interest rate along with other costs in accordance with the ability to pay off the loan prior to using the Fintech Loan facility.
6. Every fraudulent activity arising in Fintech Loan will be recorded digitally in cyberspace and may potentially be informed to the public through social media networks.
7. Every user should read and understand this information before deciding to become a Lender or Borrower.
8. The Government, in this matter the Financial Services Authority, shall not be liable for any breach or non-compliance by the User, either the Lender or the Borrower (either by User's intent or negligence) towards the provisions of the laws and regulations or agreements or agreements between the Platform and the Lender and/or Borrower.
9. Every transaction and lending activity or the implementation of the agreements on lending activity between or involving the Platform, Lender and/or Borrower shall be made through escrow and virtual accounts as required based on the Regulation of the Financial Services Authority Number 77 / POJK.01 / 2016 on The Information Technology-based Money Lending Services and the violation or non-compliance towards those provisions constitute evidence of a violation of law by the Platform so that the Platform shall bear the indemnity suffered by each User as a direct result of the above breach of the law without prejudice to the right of the User suffering loss according to the Civil Law.
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